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"I Saw the Angel in the Stone and Carved to Set Her Free"

Those are the paraphrased words of Michelangelo.

First of all, let me explain the photo above... this statue welcomes you at the entrance of a beautiful cemetery. The day I took this picture, I had the privilege of witnessing the funeral and burial of a woman who had endured much pain throughout her life. She had fought long and hard. She was young--taken too soon, but this woman, this friend, was finally free. Free from sickness and pain. Free from the limitations that come from being in a body. She was finally at peace, at rest, and out of pain. I remember that this angel brought a wave of peace over me. I don't recall what the plaque beneath said, but the angel's facial expression and offering of a rose to those who entered, touched my soul deeply. The rose, a symbol of love... the white snowflakes surrounding all of us, felt symbolic of peace. This angel's wings made her presence more holy to me... She could be anywhere she desired--she needed but take flight--but there she stood, at the gateway, choosing to comfort and offer support to those whose hearts were broken, as they entered.

Freedom has been on my mind quite a bit lately. I've struggled to put into words what freedom has meant to me. I guess it depends on the day and what I'm smack dab in the middle of... but, for me, the most profound sense of freedom I have experienced has been connecting to my authentic truth and standing in my sovereignty for the first time in my life. It has taken quite a bit of internal work of jumping down the rabbit hole of my being--excavating limiting beliefs, figuring out why I've had such a difficult time loving myself and feeling worthy--healing traumas and the wounded inner child--discovering what brings me true joy--aligning with newfound gifts and abilities--and simply connecting to my heart space. It's a process that is by no means complete, but setting the angel free within me has been an extraordinary journey that has changed the trajectory of my life. The more deeply and wholly I love myself, I feel more deeply and wholly connected to Mother Earth, humanity, and all that is. It's as if emptying myself of everything that's not me has allowed me to stand more fully in my power and in my light.

If you're reading this, I ask you:

What will it take to set the angel free within you? How was she "imprisoned" in the first place?

It is my hope that we can all find the path towards freedom, to greater truth--our authentic truth. It will look different for each of us. But, if there is any part of you that is unhappy, dissatisfied, in pain, feeling small or stuck, feeling unworthy, unloved, empty, numb, fearful, and disempowered, know that there is a map towards your freedom. Believe that the angel inside you is waiting to be set free.

In closing, I just wanted to mention that, on my journey, I have been profoundly blessed with angels on this earth handing me roses, offering me love and support as I stepped towards a freedom that I didn't even know existed for me. And for each of you, I offer so much gratitude.

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