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Our Connection to the Natural World

Nature has always been my refuge--my happy place where I find peace. One of my favorite memories with my dad as a little girl was riding the John Deer lawn mower with him on the weekends. We had about two acres to cover, and I spent it on his knee as we talked and sang our hearts out, and simply enjoyed the smell of the fresh cut grass and the birds swooping over head... Those were precious moments that I treasure, especially now that he is gone. It has not gone unnoticed to me that he died on Earth Day. It feels very significant to me somehow. Love and appreciation for the Earth was instilled in me at a young age. Our favorite daddy daughter date was going to Jamaican Gardens--a huge nursery that captivated us for hours. I can still smell the scent of the moist air and the fragrance of the plants, trees, and blossoms that we came to love and enjoy.

Sharing what I'm about to feels very vulnerable to me. As many will be skeptical and question my sanity :). But, if I had not experienced it for myself, I, too, would likely still be skeptical. A couple years ago I stumbled across a documentary about an animal communicator and it intrigued me. I had never thought about the possibility that we could communicate with animals on a soul, telepathic level and hold conversations with them. I mean, I had opened to energy healing and must admit here that the Universe had my attention to begin with... but this seemed almost too miraculous... I took a class. And then a deeper, immersive course. And I discovered inter-species communication--our ability to connect and communicate with, not just animals, but with all life forms. It makes sense to me that we are created with the same essence, energy, and intelligence that a blade of grass, a tree, a dragonfly, or a leopard are created with. It is my personal belief, that we are all simply different expressions of Source/God Energy. I believe that our ability to connect and communicate is a Divine Birthright. That this form of communication once belonged to all of us. Indigenous tribes and natives are very much still connected to this ability. But somehow, in our modern age, we have disconnected from it. Anna Breytenbach, a well-known communicator from South Africa, calls it the "separation sickness" between humanity and nature.

Recently, some friends and I went to a Salt Yoga studio and had the most beautiful healing yoga session I've ever experienced. Underneath us was an entire floor made of solid

Himalayan Sea Salt. Towards the end of our session, as we were resting in our final pose, I had the most extra-ordinary experience. My soul connected in with GAIA and she allowed me to feel her feelings of grief and sadness at our modern day rituals of embalming bodies and burying them in boxes. I felt her grief.... As our Mother, she longs to take us back into herself as part of the life cycle. But our modern ways have prevented her from taking her children back home and integrating them back in to herself. It was the most beautiful, extra-ordinary, spiritual experience... it brought a sadness to my heart... she helped me understand how she was feeling. And my heart grieved with her. I shared that experience with my friends and one of them mentioned that the salts and minerals we were laying on likely made my ability to connect with her that much stronger--and it made so much sense to me.

Anyway, if you are still with me, reading this, and have a desire to learn more, know that you, too, can strengthen your connection to the natural world. It is a gift we've all been given. It's just been forgotten. And I feel called to help heal that disconnect between humanity and the natural world. It feels beautiful to me--that we're all connected to each other, to the Earth, and to the Divine. If this concept makes you cringe or there is a part of you that is incredulous or skeptical--or if you even question my sense of reality :)--just know that I, myself, was skeptical. But I simply allowed myself to be open and to ask questions and to see what could be possible. And I was blown away. Like I said, the Universe has my attention. And I'm not afraid to share what I've experienced. I'm still strengthening my connection to nature. I'm still opening to the wonders of this existence... And I don't want to keep the beauty and awe of what I've experienced to myself. It is a message that I feel needs to be shared. And I offer my gratitude to those who have helped me to understand that there's more than meets the eye... there's so much more....

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Kimberly Cardeccia
Kimberly Cardeccia
Apr 11, 2021

Beautiful and powerful! Thanks for sharing. No questioning of your sanity here!

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